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Groves Kuhnle C, Grimes M, Suarez Casanova VM, Turrigiano GG, and Van Hooser S (2022) Juvenile Shank3 knockout mice adopt distinct hunting strategies during prey capture learning. ENEURO.0230-22.2022


Wu CH, Tatavarty V, Jean Beltran PM, Guerrero AA, Keshishian H, Drug K, MacMullan MA, Li L, Carr SA, Cottrell JR, and Turrigiano GG (2022). A bidirectional switch in the Shank3 phosphorylation state biases synapses toward up- or downscaling. Elife 11:e&4277 doi: 10.7554/elife.74277

Tereshko L, Turrigiano GG, and Sengupta P (2022) Primary cilia in the postnatal brain: subcellular compartments for organizing neuromodulatory signaling. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 74:102533

Ramos R, Wu CH, and Turrigiano GG (2022) Strong Aversive Conditioning Triggers a long-lasting generalized aversion. Front Cell Neurosci 16:854315


Wen W, Turrigiano GG (2021) Developmental regulation of homeostatic plasticity in mouse primary visual cortex. J Neurosci. 41:9891-9895


Cary BA, Turrigiano GG. Stability of neocortical synapses across sleep and wake states during the critical period in rats. eLife. doi: 10.7554/eLife.66304


Trojanowski NF, Turrigiano GG. CaMKIV signaling is not essential for the maintenance of intrinsic or synaptic properties in mouse visual cortex. eNeuro. 2021 May 12:ENEURO.0135-21.2021


Wu CH, Ramos R, Katz DB, and Turrigiano GG (2021) Homeostatic synaptic Scaling Establishes the Specificity of an Associative Memory. Current Biology 2021 Jun 7;31(11):2274-2285.e5


Tereshko L, Gao Y, Cary B, Turrigiano GG, and Sengupta P (2021) Ciliary neuropeptidergic signaling dynamically regulates excitatory synapses in postnatal neocortical pyramidal neurons. eLife 2021;10:e65427 

Torrado Pacheco A, Bottorff J, and Turrigiano GG (2021) Sleep promotes downward firing rate homeostasis. Neuron, 109(3):530-544.e6. 

Trojanowski NF, Bottorff J,  and Turrigiano GG (2021) Activity labeling in vivo using CaMPARI2 reveals electrophysiological differences between neuron with high and low firing rate set points. Neuron, 109(4):663-676.e5. 


Tatavarty V,  Torrado Pacheco A, Groves Kuhnle C, Lin H, Koundinya P, Miska NK, Hengen KB, Wagner FF, Van Hooser SD, and Turrigiano GG (2020) Autism-associated Shank3 is essential for homeostatic compensation in rodent V1. Neuron, 106:769-777 


Wu YK Hengen KB, Turrigiano GG, and Gjorgjieva J (2020) Homeostatic mechanisms regulate distinct aspects of cortical circuit dynamics. PNAS 


Torrado Pacheco A, Tilden EI, Grutzner SM, Lane BJ, Wu Y, Hengen KB, Gjorgjieva J, and Turrigiano, GG (2019) Rapid and Active Stabilization of Visual Cortical Firing Rates Across Light-Dark Transitions.  PNAS 


Ma Z, Turrigiano GG, Wessel R, Hengen KB (2019) Critical Dynamics are a homeostatic set point of cortical networks in vivo. Neuron, 104(4):655-664.e4



Miska N, Richter L, Cary B, Gjorgjieva J, and Turrigiano GG (2018) Sensory Deprivation Independently Regulates Neocortical Feedforward and Feedback Excitation-Inhibition Ratio. eLife, 


Moeyeart G, Holt G, Madangopal R, Perez-Alverez A, Fearey BC, Trojanowski NF, Ledderose J, Zolnik TA, Das A, Patel D, Brown TA, Sachdev RNS, Eichkolt BJ, Larkum ME, Turrigiano GG, Dana H, Gee CE, Oertner TG, Hope BT, and Schreiter ER (2018) Improved methods for marking active neuron populations. Nature Comm 9:4440


Joseph, A, Turrigiano GG (2017) All for One but Not One for All: Excitatory Synaptic Scaling and Intrinsic plasticity are co-regulated by CaMKIV. J Neurosci. 37:6778-6785 


Nahmani M, Lanahan C, DeRosier D, Turrigiano GG. (2017) High-numerical-aperture cryogenic light microscopy for inceased precision of superresolution reconstructions. PNAS pii: 201618206. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1618206114


Turrigiano, GG (2017) The dialectic of Hebb and homeostasis. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2017 Mar 5;372(1715). pii: 20160258. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2016.0258. Review. 


Hengen KB, Torredo Pacheco A, McGregor J, Van Hooser S, and Turrigiano GG (2016) Neuronal firing rate homeostasis is inhibited by sleep and promoted by active wake. Cell, 165:180-91. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.01.046 

Steinmetz CC, Tatavarty V, Sugino K, Shima Y, Joseph A, Lin H, Rutlin M, Lambo M, Hempel CM, Okaty BW, Paradis S, Nelson SB, Turrigiano GG. (2016) Upregulation of u3A drives homeostatic plasticity by rerouting AMPAR into the recycling endosomal pathway. Cell Rep. 2016 Sep 6;16(10):2711-22. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2016.08.009. 


Nahmani M, Turrigiano GG (2014) Deprivation-induced strengthening of presynaptic and postsynaptic inhibitory transmission in Layer 4 of visual cortex during the critical period.

J Neurosci. 34:2671-82


Nahmani M, Turrigiano GG (2014) Adult cortical plasticity following injury: recapitulation of critical period mechanisms? Neuroscience pii: S0306-4522(14)00331-5. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2014.04.029 


Turrigiano, G.G. (2014) Keeping a Lid on it. Nature. 2014 Jul 17;511(7509):297-8.


Taft CE and Turrigiano GG (2014) PSD-95 promotes the stabilization of young synaptic contacts. Philo. Trans Royal Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sci. 369: 20130134 


Lambo ME and Turrigiano, GG (2013) Synaptic and Intrinsic Homeostatic Mechanisms Cooperate to Increase L2/3 Pyramidal Neuron Excitability During a Late Phase of Critical Period Plasticity.  J Neurosci, 33:8810-8819 


Tatavarty V, Sun Q, and Turrigiano, G.G. (2013) How to Scale Down Postsynaptic Strength. J Neurosci. 33:13179-89. 


Hengen KB, Lambo ME, Van Hooser S, Katz DB, and Turrigiano, G.G. (2013) Firing Rate Homeostasis in Visual Cortex of Freely Behaving Rodents. Neuron 80:335-42 


Loebrich S, Djukic B, Tong ZJ, Cottrell JR, Turrigiano GG, and Nedivi E (2013) Regulation of glutamate receptor internalization by the spine cytoskeleton is mediated by its PKA-dependent association with CPG2. PNAS 110(47):E4548-56. 


Lefort S, Gray AC, Turrigiano GG (2013) Long-term inhibitory plasticity in visual cortical layer 4 switches sign at the opening of the critical period. PNAS, 110(47):E4540-7. 


Turrigiano, G (2012) Homeostatic Synaptic Plasticity: Global and Local Mechanisms for Stabilizing Neuronal Function. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 1;4(1):a005736 


Blackman MP, Nelson SB, and Turrigiano GG (2012) A Critical and Cell-Autonomous Role for MeCP2 in Synaptic Scaling Up. J Neurosci, 32(39):13529-36


Alivisatos AP, Andrews AM, Boyden ES, Chun M, Church GM, Deisseroth K, Donoghue JP, Fraser SE, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Looger LL, Masmanidis S, McEuen PL, Nurmikko AV, Park H, Peterka DS, Reid C, Roukes ML, Scherer A, Schnitzer M, Sejnowski TJ, Shepard KL, Tsao D, Turrigiano G, Weiss PS, Xu C, Yuste R, Zhuang X. Nanotools for neuroscience  and brain activity mapping (2012). ACS Nano 7:1850-1866


Maffei, A., Lambo, M., and Turrigiano, G.G (2010) Critical period for inhibitory plasticity in binocular visual cortex. J Neurosci, 30:33304-3309 


Nataraj, K., Le Roux, N., LeFort, S., Nahmani, M., and Turrigiano, G.G, (2010) Visual deprivation selectively suppresses L5 pyramidal neuron excitability by preventing the induction of intrinsic plasticity. Neuron, 68:750-762 


Steinmetz, C., and Turrigiano, GG (2010) TNFα Signaling maintains the ability of cortical synapses to express synaptic scaling. J. Neurosci, 30:15685-14690


Luo L, Rodriguez E, Jerbi K, Lachaux JP, Martinerie J, Corbetta M, Shulman GL, Piomelli D, Turrigiano GG, Nelson SB, Joëls M, de Kloet ER, Holsboer F, Amodio DM, Frith CD, Block ML, Zecca L, Hong JS, Dantzer R, Kelley KW, Craig AD (2010). Ten years of nature reviews neuroscience: insights from the highly cited. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 11:718-726


Bracken, B. and Turrigiano, G (2009) Experience-dependent regulation of TrkB isoforms in rodent visual cortex. Dev. Neurobiol. 69:267-278 


Gainey M., Hurvitz-Wolff J., Lambo, M., and Turrigiano G.G. (2009) Synaptic scaling in neocortical neurons requires the GluR2 subunit of the AMPA receptor. J Neurosci., 29:6479-6489


Ehlers, M and Turrigiano, G. (2009) Signaling Mechanisms. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 19:253-256


Pratt, K., Taft, CE, Burbea, M., and Turrigiano, GG (2008) Dynamics underlying synaptic gain between pairs of cortical pyramidal neurons. Dev. Neurobiol. 68(2):143-51 


Ibata, K., Sun, Q., and Turrigiano, G.G. (2008) Rapid synaptic scaling induced by changes in   postsynaptic firing. Neuron, 57:819-826. 


Maffei, A., and Turrigiano, G.G. (2008) Multiple modes of network homeostasis in visual cortical layer 2/3. J. Neurosci., 28:4377-4384. 


Maffei, A. and Turrigiano, G (2008) The Age of Plasticity: Developmental Regulation of Synaptic Plasticity in Neocortical Microcircuits.  Prog Brain Res 169:211-23 


Turrigiano, G (2008) The self-tuning neuron: synaptic scaling of excitatory synapses. Cell, 135:422-435 


Nelson, SB and Turrigiano, GG (2008) Strength through diversity. Neuron 60:477-482 


Sjöström, P.J., Turrigiano, G.G. and Nelson, S.B. (2007) Multiple forms of long-term plasticity at unitary neocortical layer 5 synapses. J. Neuropharm. 52(1):176-84 


Giorgi, C., Yeo, GW., Stone, ME, Katz, DB, Burge, C., Turrigiano, G.G., and Moore, MJ (2007) The EJC factor eIF4AIII modulates synaptic strength and neuronal protein expression. Cell 130:179-191 â€‹


Turrigiano, Gina G (2007) Homeostatic signaling: the positive side of negative feedback. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 17:318-324 


Maffei, A., Nataraj, K., Nelson, S.B., and Turrigiano, G.G. (2006) Potentiation of cortical inhibition by visual deprivation. Nature, 443:81-84 


Turrigiano, G.G. (2006) Maintaining your youthful spontaneity: microcircuit homeostasis in the embryonic spinal cord. Neuron 49:481-485


Turrigiano, G.G. (2006) More than a sidekick: glia and homeostatic synaptic plasticity.  Trends Mol. Medicine 12:458-60


Wierenga, C., Walsh, M., and Turrigiano, G.G. (2006) Temporal regulation of the expression locus of homeostatic plasticity. J. Neurophysiol., 96:2127-2133 


Watt, A., Sjostrom, P.J., Hausser, M., Nelson, S.B., and Turrigiano, G.G. (2004) A Proportional but slower NMDA potentiation follows AMPA potentiation in LTP. Nature Neurosci., 7:518-524 


Cudmore, R.H. and Turrigiano, G.G. (2004) Long-term increase in intrinsic excitability following a short period of action potential firing in LV visual cortical neurons. J Neurophysiol., 92:341-348 


Turrigiano, G.G., Nelson, S.B. (2004) Homeostatic Plasticity in Developing Cortical Networks.

Nature Reviews Neurosci. 5:97-10 


Maffei, A, Nelson, S.B., and Turrigiano, G.G. (2004) Selective reconfiguration of layer 4 visual cortical circuitry by visual deprivation. Nature Neurosci. 12:1353-1359 


Turrigiano, G.G. (2004) A competitive game of synaptic tag. Neuron 44:917-923


Sjöström, P.J., Turrigiano, G.G. and Nelson, S.B. (2004) Endocannabinoid-dependent neocortical layer-5 LTD in the absence of postsynaptic spiking. J. Neurophysiol. 92:3338-3343 


Desai NS, Cudmore, R.H, Nelson SB, and Turrigiano GG (2002) Critical Periods for Experience-dependent synaptic scaling in visual cortex. Nature Neurosci. 5: 783-789


Kilman, V, van Rossum, M.C., and Turrigiano, G.G. (2002) Activity Scales Inhibitory Synaptic strengths by Regulating the Number of Postsynaptic GABAa Receptors. J. Neurosci, 22:1328-1337 


Turrigiano, G.G. (2002) A recipe for ridding synapses of the ubiquitous AMPA receptor. TINS


Van Rossum, M.C., Turrigiano, G.G., and Nelson, S.B. (2002) Fast propagation of firing rates through layered networks of noisy neurons. J. Neurosci., 22:1956-1966



Hemple, C., Hartman, K., Turrigiano, G.G., and Nelson, S.B. (2000) Multiple Forms of Short-term Synaptic Plasticity in Prefronal Cortex. J. Neurophysiol., 83:3031-3041.


Turrigiano, G.G. (2000) AMPA receptors unbound: membrane cycling and synaptic plasticity. Neuron 26:5-8


Turrigiano, G.G. and Nelson, S.B. (2000) Hebb and Homeostasis in Neuronal Plasticity. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 10:358-364. 


Watt, A., van Rossum, M., MacLeod, K., Nelson, S.B., and Turrigiano, G.G. (2000) Activity Co-regulates Quantal AMPA and NMDA Currents at Neocortical Synapses. Neuron, 26:659-670 


Van Rossum, M.C., Bi, G.Q., and Turrigiano, G.G. (2000) Stable Hebbian Learning from Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity. J. Neurosci. 20:8812-8821



Desai, N.S., Rutherford, L.C., and Turrigiano, G.G. (1999). Plasticity in the intrinsic excitability of neocortical pyramidal neurons.  Nature Neuroscience 2:515-520


Desai, N.S., Wang, X.-J., and Turrigiano, G.G. (1999) Activity-dependent changes in the balance of inward and outward currents can account for changes in pyramidal neuron excitability. Nature Neuroscience Web supplement 


Varela, J.A., Song, S., Turrigiano, G.G., and Nelson, S.B. (1999) Differential depression at excitatory and inhibitory synapses in visual cortex. J. Neurosci. 19:4293-4304


Desai, N.S. Rutherford L.C., Nelson, S.B. and Turrigiano, G.G. (1999) Activity-dependent regulation

of excitability in rat visual cortical neurons. Neurocomputing, 27:101-106


Desai, N.S., Rutherford, L.C., and Turrigiano, G.G. (1999) BDNF regulates the intrinsic excitability of cortical neurons. Learning and Memory 6:284-291

Earlier publications

Turrigiano, G.G and A.I. Selverston (1990) A cholecystokinin-like hormone activates a feeding-related neural circuit in lobster. Nature 344:866-868 


Turrigiano, G.G., L.F. Abbott, and E. Marder (1994) Activity-dependent changes in the intrinsic properties of cultured neurons. Science 264:974-976 


Turrigiano, G.G., G. Le Masson, and E. Marder (1995) Selective regulation of current densities underlies spontaneous changes in the activity of cultured neurons. J. Neurosci. 15:3640-6552


Turrigiano, G.G., E. Marder, and L.F. Abbott (1996) Cellular short term memory from a slow potassium conductance. J. Neurophys. 75:963-966

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